Apr 012017

Golden Saxifrage, Opposite leaved

We have had a very cold month of March this year and there are still very few flowers in bloom. I spotted these tiny greenish-yellow flowers in a shady part of my local lane. The flowers are so small you would easily overlook them. But close up they are very pretty. I couldn’t find them in my flower books, but identified them with an online search.

  3 Responses to “Opposite- leaved Golden Saxifrage”

  1. I really like the charming commentary on your month by month diary.
    I have my doubts about the golden saxifrage. it has the greeny-yellowy look of a spurge.
    What on line site did you use to identify it?

  2. actually I think you are right! I found Golden Saxifrage in my flower book..Common in damp shady places. Flowers greenish yellow, late spring.Leaves opposite, stalked,round, with many shallow rounded lobes.flowers in leafy corymbs.

  3. I found it here: http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/species/opposite-leaved-golden-saxifrage
    Even though it’s British, it looks like the same plant. There’s a lot of it growing around here under the hedges.